Subject: Spelling, grammar, reading, and writing
Time required: 5 to 10 hours per week.
Text Suggestions:
Spelling and Word Study:
Time required:
- Monday: 30-45 minutes. Read through word roots, definitions, and sample sentences; make 3×5 flash cards for each Latin root and unfamiliar English work
- Tuesday-Thursday: 5-10 minutes. Drill with flash cards
- Friday: 10 minutes. Review flash cards; complete exercises and check.
Sixth Grade: Spelling Workout G and H.
Seventh Grade: Vocabulary from Classical Roots A and B (Educators Publishing Service).
Time required: 40 – 60 minutes
Sixth: Rod and Staff English: Progressing with Courage or Voyages in English: Grade 6 or Shurley English: Level 5
Seventh: Rod and Staff English: Building Securely or Voyages in English: Grade 7 or Shurley English: Level 6
- Shurley does not use diagramming. Shurley requires a separate writing program
- Voyages in English(Loyola Press). Voyages requires a separate writing program
Time required: 30-60 minutes four days a week, reading and creating narration pages and report
Sixth Grade: Medieval–early Renaissance (400–1600)
Seventh Late Renaissance — early modern (1600–1850)
Memory Work:
Memorize 3 – 5 favorite poems or passages from her reading
Use The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading, by Jessie Wise (Peace Hill Press, 2004). “Jessie had done beginning phonics with eighth graders; the earlier pages are easy and build confidence, while later pages improve both reading and spelling skills. After finishing phonics, the student should continue with Spelling Workout B or C.
Time required: 30 – 60 minutes, 3 times per week
Review older students start with Writing Strands Book 4 and progress from there.
How to do it: Organize 3 inch 3 ring English notebook. Divide into 6 sections:
- Spelling
- Word Study
- Grammar
- Reading
- Memory Work
- Writing
- Dictation
Need high quality colored pencils, watercolors, and other “real art” materials.